A Comprehensive Guide to Driver Management Audit

July 27, 2023

Effective driver management is a critical aspect of any organization that relies on drivers for its operations. It ensures safety, efficiency, and compliance with regulatory requirements. This blog post provides an in-depth look at the various aspects of driver management, using Lafarge’s assessment criteria as a guide.

Driver Selection and Recruitment

The first step in driver management is the selection and recruitment process. It’s crucial to have a formal recruitment and screening process in place that adheres to mandatory requirements such as license, experience, medical fitness, and driving record.

  • Level 0: No formal recruitment and screening processes in place.
  • Level 1: Gaps exist in the recruitment and screening processes.
  • Level 2: Sound recruitment and screening processes are in place and consistently applied.
  • Level 3: Recruitment and screening processes are enhanced by the selective use of specialty agencies.
  • Level 4: The company is known in the industry for attracting good drivers.

Training: Initial Induction

Once drivers are recruited, they need to go through an initial induction training program. This program should cover the minimum requirements of the 12 modules for driver training.

  • Level 0: No initial driver training program covering Group requirements.
  • Level 1: Initial driver training program does not cover the full minimum requirements.
  • Level 2: A comprehensive initial driver training program is in place.
  • Level 3: A rigorous sign-off process exists before a driver is allowed to drive alone.
  • Level 4: Training extends well beyond the minimum requirements and addresses specific high-risk areas.

Training: Ongoing

Ongoing training is essential to ensure drivers maintain their skills and adapt to any changes in regulations or operating conditions.

  • Level 0: No structured ongoing driver-training program.
  • Level 1: Driver training is seen as a one-off task.
  • Level 2: Drivers receive in-cab coaching at least annually.
  • Level 3: The Driver Training program is seen as an ongoing process.
  • Level 4: There is a continual review of the effectiveness of the overall training program.

Driver Turnover

High driver turnover can be a sign of underlying issues in the organization. It’s important to keep records of reasons for leaving and take action to address common issues.

  • Level 0: High driver turnover (greater than 25%), no action taken to address underlying issues.
  • Level 1: High driver turnover (greater than 15%), little or no action taken to address underlying issues.
  • Level 2: Driver turnover is less than 15%, some action is taken to address common issues.
  • Level 3: Low Driver Turnover (less than 10%), actions taken to reduce turnover.
  • Level 4: Little or no driver turnover (less than 5%). Company is known for keeping good drivers.

Performance Management

Performance management involves monitoring and correcting driver behavior to ensure safety and efficiency.

  • Level 0: No evidence of correcting undesirable driver behavior.
  • Level 1: Evidence of correcting undesirable driver behavior is low.
  • Level 2: A driver performance management system exists.
  • Level 3: A clear and consistent Driver Performance Management system is in place.
  • Level 4: The need for disciplining drivers is low.

In conclusion, effective driver management involves a comprehensive approach that includes proper recruitment and selection, thorough training, managing driver turnover, and consistent performance management. By adhering to these guidelines, organizations can ensure they have a team of competent, safe, and reliable drivers.

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